Our Commitment
We are committed to adhering to the law as we do business, i.e. including U.K. Bribery Act 2010, U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 & OFAC Policies (with a no-sanction-breach record).
Competition and antitrust: We comply with all competition laws that apply to us. These laws are designed to promote fair competition.
Anti-bribery and anti-corruption: We do not bribe or accept bribes or kickbacks.
Anti-money laundering: We comply with the laws which prohibit money laundering. Money laundering involves hiding proceeds of criminal activity, or making them appear as if they were legitimately acquired.
International trade compliance: Products, technology, software, and information are all subject to trade compliance laws. We comply with all export controls, economic sanctions, customs, and antiboycott laws.