Our Commitment

We recognize environmental protection and management as one of its highest priorities and that every effort is to be made to conserve and protect the environment from marine, atmospheric and other forms of pollution.

We are committed to adhering to the law as we do business, i.e. including U.K. Bribery Act 2010, U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 & OFAC Policies (with a no-sanction-breach record).

Competition and antitrust: We comply with all competition laws that apply to us. These laws are designed to promote fair competition.

Anti-bribery and anti-corruption: We do not bribe or accept bribes or kickbacks.

Anti-money laundering: We comply with the laws which prohibit money laundering. Money laundering involves hiding proceeds of criminal activity, or making them appear as if they were legitimately acquired.

International trade compliance: Products, technology, software, and information are all subject to trade compliance laws. We comply with all export controls, economic sanctions, customs, and antiboycott laws.